LinkedIn Launches Sponsored Content Carousel Ads


Carousel Ads Come to LinkedIn

LinkedIn has begun rolling out a new Sponsored Content carousel ad format, designed to show up to 10 customized, swipeable cards and similar to the carousel ads popularised on Facebook and Instagram. Unlike Facebook, however, LinkedIn carousels do not support videos and are limited to just graphics and photos.

LinkedIn Carousel Ad
“Today, we’re excited to announce carousel for Sponsored Content, a new way to tell your brand story and interact with your target audience on LinkedIn. This offering allows you to add texture to your stories by featuring multiple visuals that people can horizontally swipe through while on the LinkedIn feed.” Image: LinkedIn


  • Carousels ads will come with access to all standard LinkedIn ad metrics, and provide advertisers with access to click and impression results for each individual ad within the carousel.
  • When you use eye-catching visuals that make users want to interact with them, the interactive ads can really help your brand tell a story, and gives you an opportunity to show your personality through more than one image at a time.
  • While designed with B2B audiences in mind, this new product comes on the heels of platform-wide changes designed to help LinkedIn better compete with Facebook for publishers’ ad business.
  • The program was tested by more than 300 advertisers, including some big names like Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, RBC, and Volvo Canada.
  • 75 percent of the test group saw a lift in click-through rates compared to their standard Sponsored Content campaigns, demonstrating that the carousel ads’ multiple image format really seems to drive engagement and click-through rates.

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Andrew Becks is a digital media and marketing expert, and currently serves as the chief operating officer for 301 Digital Media, a Nashville-based digital marketing and media agency, as well as a member of the board of directors for the parent company of popular consumer technology website TechJunkie.

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